Re: A proposal for addition to HTML 3.0: Frames
From: |
Bert Bos <> |
Date: |
Thu, 21 Sep 95 07:38:29 EDT |
Chris Lilley writes:
|If any of the SGML gurus on this WG would like to rustle up a DTD for
|this new document type, which includes the HTML HEAD element plus the
|FRAMESET and FRAME elements, I am sure that the authors of the Frames
|ID would be pleased to include it before it goes off to the ID editor.
|Because this need not include the bulk of the HTML DTD this should be
|quite a small job for someone suitably qualified.
Here it is, 10 minutes work:
This DTD defines a frame doc, a tabular layout of panes, the
contents of which consist of the targets of URLs. Typical
<!doctype framedoc public "-//Netscape//DTD FRAMEDOC//EN">
For explanations, see elsewhere...
<!entity % SDAFORM "SDAFORM cdata #fixed">
<!entity % SDARULE "SDARULE cdata #fixed">
<!entity % SDAPREF "SDAPREF cdata #fixed">
<!entity % SDASUFF "SDASUFF cdata #fixed">
<!entity % SDASUSP "SDASUSP name #fixed">
<!element FRAMEDOC o o (HEAD, FRAMESET+)>
<!element HEAD o o (TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE?) +(META, LINK)>
<!element TITLE - - (#pcdata)* -(META, LINK)>
<!attlist TITLE
<!element LINK - o empty>
<!attlist LINK
HREF cdata #required
REL names #implied
REV names #implied
URN cdata #implied
TITLE cdata #implied
METHODS names #implied
%SDAPREF; "Linked to : #AttVal (TITLE) (URN) (HREF)>"
<!element ISINDEX - o empty>
<!attlist ISINDEX
%SDAPREF; "<Para>[Document is indexed/searchable.]</Para>"
<!element BASE - o empty>
<!attlist BASE
HREF cdata #required
<!element META - o empty>
<!attlist META
HTTP-EQUIV name #implied
NAME name #implied
CONTENT cdata #required
<!attlist FRAMESET
ROWS cdata #implied
COLS cdata #implied
<!element FRAME - o empty>
<!attlist FRAME
SRC cdata #implied
NAME cdata #implied
MARGINWIDTH number #implied
MARGINHEIGHT number #implied
SCROLLING (yes, no, auto) auto
NORESIZE (noresize) #implied
Bert Bos Alfa-informatica
<> Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
<> Postbus 716, NL-9700 AS GRONINGEN