Re: Generalizing Banners

From: David Morris <>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 95 22:16:23 EDT

On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, Lou Montulli wrote:

> This is not really about document inclusion or page layout it's
> about creating relationships between existing documents to create
> entirely new and powerful navigation paradigms.

Well my initial reaction (to the first description) was that 
a combination of table support (with some of the scrollable
area notions we discussed in Danvers) and subdocument inclusion
would seem close to what your were describing.

BUT the second description conveys a completetly different notion
(and seems to have no correlation to banners ...). I think I see
quite a bit of potential without introducing the complexity of
java et al into the composition process.

To your examples, I would add footnotes, defnitions, additional 
clarification, etc.

This seems like an opportunity for artful combining of link 
relationships and style sheets.  The style sheet would provide
UAs with layout guidance to be applied to the link relationship.

Sure would make redefinition of the UA BACK/NEXT functions (and
the underlying implementation) interesting.

Dave Morris