(Non-Keep-it-Clean Players)
The problem with illiterati is that they cannot read.

When they see that choice to join Adult Language rooms, they're thrown into a quandary. Most of the time they aren't adults, and for some reason that deters them; this doesn't stop them from doing just about everything else taboo I've noticed.

Unfortunately - and this is in part the fault of Berkeley Systems for not providing a compromise set of rooms for junior scumbuckets (keep an eye out for an upcoming page on this via the ??? link in the near future).

Naturally, it's usually just to shock or bug adults with a demonstration of badly written profanity just under the Acrobot's nose. Because let's face it, only another teen obsessed with baaad words is going to give a damn.

This sorry loser sought to learn just the bad words, and does it show!

There are USUALLY two types of players likely to make a non-KiC acronym:

  1. Loud, boisterous, annoying women - often sporting an incongruous, ladylike name. They're most often one of the following:

    • Unhappy with their boyfriend
    • Just broken up with their boyfriend (who was no good anyway)
    • Unhappily married
    • Recently divorced and ready to flaunt their freedom

    They don't give a hang about ANYONE, and never realise how their unladylike behaviour impacts on how women in general will be considered for respect. They're rude, crude, and damned proud of it. No matter that the pride is seriously misplaced and embarrasses other women and is observed by minors.

    (Men are in the minority because they tend to do most of their dirty work by message)

  2. The other type is - predictably - a teen. Either gender.

    Boys are so obsessed with sex and are out of control in an unmonitored environment; they don't care whether you like or dislike their masterpiece, just so long as they can get off on seeing their words on the monitor, knowing that others have seen it too.

    On the girls' side:

    • They think it's a big joke, and don't realise their acroes may be attracting pedophiles*
    • A contingent use their acroes to attract boys, whose interest in them is no more profound than what you've read above, and very fleeting.

      *I am reminded of a an incident where a teen girl took refuge in my regular room, saying that she left a room that had a perv in it. She then proceeded not to ask my age/sex/location, but demand it in all-caps along with my real name. She wouldn't shut up - putting on that old, bogus, pouty routine flirty little Lolitas are known for. Go figure. I put her on /ignore of course.

A non-KiC acronym content can range from whimsical rape to embarrassing bodily functions. The bottom line is, if you're a responsible parent and something shouldn't be seen or spoken with your little child in the room, then don't subject others to it. Maybe YOUR kid is in bed, but someone else at the PC might have THEIR kid on their lap, trying to show them how wonderful the Internet is.

The excuse of these above types for doing sexual, rude, or profane acronyms: "Well, if Acrobot doesn't stop me, it must be okay."

It's a little something called discretion, which Berkeley Systems trusts each and every one of us to practise while we're in the Keep it Clean area of Acrophobia. For most teens who visit the game, the concept of discretion has yet to develop in their brains. Adults should have no problem with discretion, unless they're doped up Cracker Trash (or the pathetic equivalent outside the USA), then neither they NOR their offspring would be able to comprehend the concept of "Mixed Company", and that there's a time and/or place for everything. They should be ashamed of themselves.

For every type who also makes a stupid fart acro, or any other gross, vulgar, or pornographic acronym in the clean area (unless of course the "Grossology" category is selected, then gross is okay) and says defiantly, "It's a fact of life," I'd like to answer here and now - because I can - "So's fucking. Your point is...?"

The fact is, the Keep it Clean concept isn't some rule to be broken.

It's a refuge beckoning to those of us who wish to celebrate the versatility of language with those of many countries and cultures. It is OUR right to be in a clean room and enjoy a clean game. Those violating their privileged use of the software to satisfy themselves at the expense of the others are taking away OUR rights.

We can fight back. When you "/complain name reason" and enough of those problem reports tally up on a user by many people, then that abuser's Acrophobia days are numbered.